Update: As of late 3/30, Wayland has been released from solitary confinement. He is still being charged with organizing (which is a "crime" in prison) and has been hit with two disciplinary reports for which he may face consequences. Please fill out our contact form to get on our emergency mailing list if there is further retaliation.
MCI Norfolk: 508-660-5900, extension 299 (operator) ask to speak to the superintendent
Thomas A. Turco III, DOC Commissioner: (508) 422-3330
Today is Wayland’s seventh day in solitary confinement for accessing clean, bottled water from the canteen. Wayland’s brother was denied entrance to visit yesterday and told to call the superintendent today. Wayland has also asked us to call the commissioner on his behalf. Please call TODAY to add your support. We cannot stop until Wayland is released from solitary!
**Sample script when calling the prison**
Hi, I am [name], and I am a loved one/family member/concerned citizen calling about Wayland Coleman. I am calling with the demand that he be released from solitary confinement and that the DOC documents all use of force, including officer names, in taking Wayland to solitary.
He is being punished for having bottled water in his cell while the prison continues to provide only toxic, discolored water to prisoners.We know that Wayland’s family was not allowed entrance to check on his health yesterday. We demand that his family, especially his mother Rose Coleman, is allowed in to see him immediately. Can you confirm this will happen?
We also know that MCI-Norfolk officers used excessive force on Wayland to take him to solitary. We demand that this use of force be documented and the involved officers names be released. We demand that you release Wayland from solitary immediately and until that time, provide him with 6 bottles per day of clean water to drink. Can you confirm this is being done?
[If it’s a message, leave your call back information]